海外からのご注文について For orders from outside Japan
You can also order from overseas. However, we do not ship internationally, so please make sure to use a Japanese address as your shipping address.
In the event of a defective product, we will only accept returns or exchanges if you are able to receive the product in Japan.
If you use a forwarding service to receive your order overseas, we will not be able to accept returns or ship replacements.
We always strive to improve customer purchasing conveniency, therefore we introduce you the "Buyee Connect", a platform that connect overseas customers to access our services.
When accessing from overseas, the page will display an order cart that is specifically for overseas users. If you connect to "Buyee" using this cart, you will be able to access to multilingual customer support, international payment methods, international shipping to 118 countries and regions, and low-cost shipping plans.
海外のお客様の購入利便性を向上させるため、当サイトでは「Buyee Connect」を導入し、海外からのアクセス社に向けた専用カートを開設しております。
海外からのアクセス時に海外注文用カートが表示され、該当カートを用い代理購入サービス「Buyee」へ接続頂くと 多言語カスタマーサポート・海外向け決済手段、118の国と地域への配送、一部のエリアでは格安の配送プラン等をご利用いただけます。